Monday, 24 October 2011

Words, words, and more words

It's funny how words roll around in my head; differently than others may think of them.  

For me, lately I have considered how I have been applying famous quotes to my life. The interpretation of these quotes, although I don't remember exactly how they were used, are used and are heard revised and re-applied from time to time.

I had forgotten that both of the first two are from the same movie, "Jerry Maguire"; most people relate to these words because they have seen or heard of the movie.  Or, they have heard someone else use the term and have asked for the origin and the meaning. I like they way they sound, and think that they can be interpreted and applied different ways, for different people, in different situations.

They are part of a scene with the lines;

"Jerry Maguire: I love you. You... you complete me. And I just...
Dorothy: Shut up, just shut up. You had me at "hello"

In a personal context, maybe I have never said the words "you complete me" to anyone else because they seem a tad formal and again, for those "who know" it would seem like I was trying to emulate a movie star and use a movie quote.  But have you ever felt that words such as these could be the only ones to describe the deep emotion you are feeling? Completion is all encompassing; "to make whole or perfect"; it doesn't get much better than that.  So, this quote really should be used when you want to make your special someone; friend, spouse, family member, dog? :0) feel that they are the best thing that has come into your life and that you feel truly overwhelmed and grateful for their existence. 

I'd been thinking  about the second quote, "you had me at hello" and my interpretation and application seemed to come as an "aha" moment one day.  We all have busy lives and some have large circles of family and friends, and some have smaller groups of these.  With our digital age becoming more prolific every day, phones are not used for communication as commonly as they used to be.  Skype is another funky invention that the Star Trek days of old had us hoping for the day when we, too, could talk [almost] face-to-face with others.  Simply put, I love to receive and make phone calls these days more so than I ever have before.  I get excited, giddy even, when talking on the phone because it's a realization that you on one end and I on this end, can fully appreciate the relationship we have; joke, vent, and share our lives in trust and acceptance.  If I were to say, "you had me at hello" i would interpret this as, "I'm so happy that you've got my are so very important to me....; by saying hello, and being available to communicate with me.  As I am reminded of another quote just now, "you don't know what you've got til it's gone"; how true, how true... the appreciation of hearing a loved one's voice takes on new meaning after they are gone from this world.

Rounding off the movie quotes, from one of my fave movies, cause I'm a huge football fan, and I love comedy! If you haven't seen "The Replacements" with Gene Hackman and Keanu Reeves, rent it or request it from your library system; I think you'll appreciate the music and the comedy.  The quote (those underlined below) comes in the following scene;

"Woman Reporter: (Running to catch up with McGinty (Hackman) heading to the locker room for halftime) Coach, what will Washington need to get back into this game?
Jimmy McGinty: (pause) You've got to have heart.
Woman Reporter: Can you elaborate?
Jimmy McGinty: (striking his chest with his roll of papers) Miles and miles of heart.
Woman Reporter: (comes to a halt) So with a word, Coach McGinty says Washington will need to have heart to get back into this ball game."

To me, it is so simple, yet eloquent; when you really put your heart in to something, it shows, and is ultimately what is needed to get the job done right. Coupled with heart is passion and others will know when you have true passion for something. I find this so true of my own life; living with heart and passion at the forefront always makes me feel true to myself. 

Now I just have to write some illustrious words of my own, a book that will become a movie... and then become famous so others can quote me!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this Karen, I enjoy blogging..... kind of like a public diary sometimes :0). I was drawn to it as I thought it would be a great place to put things down for my kids to see later when they have time and I have forgotten most of it!
